Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh no!

Everything is dying this week. First to go was bubbles our fish. I'm pretty sure I killed him because he was fine before I changed the water in his bowl. When I saw him lying lifeless at the bottom of the bowl I starting saying, "Oh no!, Oh no!" Isabela spent the rest of the day saying, "Oh no!"...even after bubbles was flushed to rest. I felt so guilty about this fish dying but then I felt even worse when 30 minutes later I was kind of glad I didn't have to worry about cleaning his bowl anymore. Maybe I killed him subconsciously.

Last night our computer completely changed and I don't know where all my files went including a years worth of pictures. It appears that it didn't actually die but has taken everything for ransom and will not give it back until I pay a stupidly huge amount to the nerds who always have the last laugh.

Anyways, I know that nobody will believe me but I was going to upload pictures on my blog yesterday right before this all happened. I do have some good news. We are finally getting our own place! My parents have been so great in putting up with us for two years (I know! I can't believe it's been that long either) but now John can finally go back to his much loved routine of stripping down to his boxers right after work. My mom doesn't believe a man should walk around without a shirt on and would always offer one when John was missing his. To those of you who know John I think congrats are in order. So anyways, we are going to be residents of a very small but cozy condo in Springfield Virginia. CIAO!


shellybellybee said...

Ohhhh, I'm so sorry about your computer, but I'm so happy for you! You got the apartment? Yeahh!!!!!!! When do you move? That's always fun.

shellybellybee said...

Oh, and I'm sorry about your fish, but I understand because I gave ours away because I refused to clean the bowl, and I refused to buy an expensive tank. I don't do well with animals, not even fish.

Brian and Monica said...

Gabby!! You make me laugh! Of course these things happened TO YOU on the same day! Email me your new address if you have already moved in! Thanks hon!