Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wait Up!

I had no idea that during my hibernation from the world I had completely fallen out of the loop. Somebody mentioned twitter last week and I didn't even know what it was and when I looked up my friends twitter page earlier tonight it took me 15 minutes to even figure it out....that's a lie, I looked it up on Wikipedia to help me figure it out. What has happened! Things are moving too fast, you can't take a breather or you get left in the dust.

I'm in the dust. Maybe I haven't lost my communication skills I've just not adapted to the new communication skills required to stay in contact with people. I had no idea.


benana said...

#1 don't worry about twitter, you are on the only one, and its really not that great unless you love to follow the lives of celebrities like i do.
#2 do you have a blog aggregator? if not, that is really what you need to get more technologically organized. i'll hook you up.....

Jaime said...

Yay! I didn't know that you have a blog. And I am so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know what twitter is. Or a "blog aggregater" I am a blog slacker to the max. It is too much work :) anyway, I was excited to see you on her and thought I would say hi. Your daughter is adorable!